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Click the boxes below to read recent research summaries:

Smith, S.

 Music-face pairing to increase affect recognition in the broad autism phenotype

Flint Schwartz

Emotional Intelligence and Theory of Mind in Adults Maltreated in Childhood

Katie Thom

Mindfulness training in youth with ASD


Amber Yaholkoski

 Assessment and diagnostic practices for school-aged children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)


Sydney Kingston

Emotional intelligence in Children with ASD




Karen Penner

In-Sync and On-Track: Self-regulation in Preschoolers born Very/Extremely Prematurely: Karen Penner


Michelle Ward

Closing the Gender Gap: A Study with Adolescent Girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder Exploring Their Social and Emotional Experiences​

A.J. Martens

Northern Frontiers: Student Perspectives on a Northern, Rural, and Indigenous Practicum Experience


Michelle Wright

The Experience of Patient-Centered Care for Autistic Adults: Communication, Relationships, Diversity, and Tension​

Alanna Beyak

Evaluating the Impact of the Skills for Living Program on Quality of Life and Emotional Intelligence in Adults with Autism

Coming soon: More New

Research Summaries

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